Friday, April 8, 2011

Fear Reaction

I was really impressed with a lot of the projects presented by the class. The one that really "scared" me in the traditional sense was when the tarantula was brought into class. I have always had a fear of spiders and that is something that will never go away.

When Erica (I believe it was?) showed the video of the cock roaches, I got really nauseous. Bugs just make my skin crawl and that video just made me uncomfortable. It felt dark and dingy. I felt dirty after watching the video.

Some people talked about their fears about relating to their lives and not succeeding or not living up to an expectation they set for themselves or that someone set for them. I think that's something that we all face at some point in our lives. For this assignment, I was definitely one of those students who didn't want to face on of the intangible fears. Maybe it just felt a little too personal for me and maybe it just felt a little too scary facing some of those fears. Sure, like a lot of kids in this class I'm scared to death I'm going to fail when I graduate and that I won't live up to this dream I had in my head of what I was going to be like in this career. And then I have this fear that I'm really not as creative as I think I am, that my ideas are not as great as they really sound and that someone can do better than me. Sure they are fears, and they come and go. But it's not something I feel comfortable getting in front of a group of people and talking about. So for those that did, I thought that was a pretty brave thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about holding the spider though it wouldn't come out of the container. Spiders is one of my worst fears. Other then that I don't like cockroaches as long as they are not touching me. One of the places I lived there were cockroaches and I remember trying to kill one of them with a rolled up magazine. Didn't work. The little think just kept moving around. I went into a rampage screaming "DIE, DIE DIE" even after its guts were all over the place. Kind of funny.
